
Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des Mathématiques, Laboratoire SPHERE, Université Paris Cité, 2 décembre 2024

The MediMath project. Old and new challenges of the study of medieval mathematics in the Mediterranean world

Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean Mathematics” (MediMath) is a project on the history of algebra, arithmetic and geometry (in their mutual applications) as they were developed in a broad geographical space that I propose to call the “Mediterranean world”. In this presentation, I will briefly introduce the project, its goals and some of the challenges that characterize the study of the sources included in the MediMath corpus and of medieval sources more in general.

Cinquièmes Rencontres Franco-Méxicaines, 3-5 Octobre 2024

Table Ronde : la mathématisation par l'algèbre


  • Eleonora Sammarchi (SNSF-UniBe) Algébriser la division dans les textes médiévaux.
  • Carlos Alvarez (UNAM) L’algébrisation dans la théorie des nombres et la théorie des équations.
  • Jean Dhombres (CNRS-EHSS) Le changement conceptuel de l‘algébrisation du théorème de Weierstrass sur l’approximation des fonctions continues.
  • Carmen Martínez Adame (UNAM) Do tensor products belong in algebra or in functional analysis? Are they a way in which functional analysis becomes algebraic?